Government decides to proceed with privatization of Operail

The Cabinet approved today Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Svet’s proposal to continue with the privatization process of AS Operail and finalize the sale transaction.

“Cargo transport is not a strategically important activity for the state, so we have decided to privatize the company. I am pleased that there is interest in Operail and that we can move forward with the sales process. A private investor can expand their business operations, allowing the company to continue its activities, while the state can direct its resources to strategically necessary activities.,” said Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Svet.

Currently, almost 200 people work at Operail. „The interest in the company shows that the employees have done a good job, and the new owner will be able to continue working with a well-functioning and industrious team,“ added Svet.

The privatization of Operail will take place in two stages. The first stage, a public auction to sell the company’s assets and business lines, began this June. Potential buyers had the opportunity to review the initial information package and submit a non-binding offer. “There was a lot of interest, and the profile of the interested parties was wide, including those from Estonia and abroad,” added the minister. In the second stage, suitable investors will have access to additional information, based on which they can submit a binding purchase offer. Today’s decision by the Cabinet creates the prerequisite for conducting detailed negotiations with companies upon receiving binding offers and finalizing the company’s sale transaction.

LHV Investment Banking Unit is conducting the auction.

