Operail received the responsible business label

This week, the Responsible Business forum Estonia (VEF) awarded AS Operail the bronze-level label for responsible business. VEF unites companies that prioritize responsible practices to ensure the sustainability of their business, society, and the state.

Since 2005, VEF has been developing the theme of responsible entrepreneurship in Estonia. Each year, VEF invites all companies contributing to societal welfare and development to complete the Responsible Business Index. The index helps organizations thoroughly understand their societal responsibilities in environmental, social, and economic dimensions (ESG – environmental, social, governance). Participation in the index helps make social responsibility a part of the daily operations of more and more Estonian companies. In Estonia, the Responsible Business Index is the only sustainable development management tool and quality label.

The index working group thoroughly assesses the responsibility of companies that complete the VEF index. Companies that exceed the threshold are awarded gold, silver, or bronze labels accordingly. Nearly 60 companies started filling out the questionnaire this year, with 36 receiving the label.

Operail applied for the label for the first time and, after a thorough evaluation, was awarded the bronze-level label for responsible business. They award the label for two years.

“For us, the bronze level label shows that we are on the right track – we consider responsibility an important value for the company, and now we also have clearer goals to pursue over the next two years,” said Merle Kurvits, a member of theboard

Photo: Minister of Economy and Information Technology Tiit Riisalo presented the labels at a ceremonial event at UMA restaurant. HR Manager Natalja Orover-Korjakina and Communications Manager Madiken Oja received the label for Operail.

(Source: https://operail.com/en/news/operail-palvis-vastutustundliku-ettevotte-margise/)
